Why is Baguio City Philippines a Fave Tourists Destination in Asia?

Why is Baguio City Philippines a fave tourists destination in Asia? In this blog, I’ll explore and share with you about this picturesque city located on a mountain and why it’s flocked by both foreign and local tourists and travelers alike.

Baguio City, also known as the โ€œCity of Pines,โ€ is undoubtedly one of the most popular tourist destinations in the Philippines. Situated in the northern highlands of Luzon, Baguio City boasts of its cool weather, beautiful scenery, and rich culture that attracts people from all walks of life, both foreign and local.

One of the main reasons Baguio City became a favorite travel destination is its cooler climate compared to other parts of the country. The city’s high altitude and mountainous location provide a subtropical highland climate with temperatures ranging from 15-26 degrees Celsius. This makes it an ideal getaway destination for people who seek to escape the hot and humid weather in the urban areas of the country.

Apart from the weather, Baguio City is blessed with an abundance of scenic tourist spots that offer breathtaking views and beautiful landscapes. One of its most famous attractions is the Burnham Park, a 32-hectare park located in the heart of the city.

The park is named after Daniel Burnham, the American architect who designed the city plan of Baguio in the early 1900s. Burnham Park features several attractions such as its man-made lake where visitors can paddle boats, the rose garden where visitors can take photos among the beautiful flowers, and the skating rink where visitors can enjoy ice skating.

Another significant attraction in Baguio City is the Tam-Awan Village. This cultural village serves as a showcase of the rich culture and traditions of the Cordillera region. Tam-Awan Village features traditional indigenous houses that serve as a museum featuring artifacts and cultural displays, as well as a gallery for local artists to showcase their arts and crafts.

A visit to Baguio City would not be complete without indulging in its culinary delights. One of the most popular food destinations in the city is the Baguio Night Market, located near the Burnham Park. The market features various food stalls that offer local delicacies such as grilled meats, vegetables, and various street foods that are popular among the locals.

Moreover, Baguio City is known for its strawberry farms. Right at the city center, visitors can experience strawberry picking in farms like Strawberry Farm Camp John Hay, where you can personally harvest the fruit that Baguio is known for.

In addition to these, Baguio City is home to many historical landmarks such as the Baguio Cathedral, The Mansion, and The Lourdes Grotto, which are must-visit places for travelers interested in history.

Here are the expanded, top must-see list of places you should include in your itinerary visit:

1. Burnham Park – This park is located in the heart of the city and is a perfect spot for a relaxing stroll or a picnic. It features a man-made lake, colorful flower gardens, and various activities for visitors such as boat rides and bike rentals.

2. Tam-Awan Village – This cultural village showcases the rich culture and traditions of the Cordillera region. Visitors can explore authentic native huts and learn about the different customs and practices of the local tribes.

3. Strawberry Farms – Baguio City is known for its strawberry farms, and visitors can experience strawberry picking in farms like the Strawberry Farm Camp John Hay where they can personally harvest the fruit that Baguio is known for.

4. Mines View Park – This park offers a breathtaking panoramic view of a vast gold and copper mining area, and visitors can also experience horseback riding or shop for locally made souvenirs.

5. Baguio Cathedral – This historical landmark is a must-visit for those interested in history and religion. The cathedral features a neo-Gothic architecture that transports visitors back in time.

6. The Mansion – This is the official summer residence of the President of the Philippines, but it is open to the public during non-official functions. Its English colonial-style architecture is a sight to behold.

7. BenCab Museum – Situated in Tuba, Benguet, about 15-20 minutes from Baguio City’s City Center. This museum is home to contemporary and traditional artworks from the country’s finest artists, including National Artist Ben Cabrera.

8. Good Shepherd Convent – This convent is famous for its ube jam, which is a must-try when visiting Baguio City. The convent also produces other goodies like strawberry jam, peanut brittle and more.

These are why Baguio City in the Philippines is a fave (favorite) tourists destination in Asia region.

Overall, Baguio City has something to offer for everyone. Whether you’re a nature lover, a foodie, or a history buff, the City of Pines will surely capture your heart with its grandeur and beauty. It’s no wonder why it’s a favorite travel destination by both foreign and locals alike, including expats.

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  1. April 17, 2023

    Sounds very interesting! Would love to visit Baguio City someday.

  2. April 18, 2023

    Thanks for this exciting blog about Baguio City, I’ve never heard of this city and was glad to get an intro to it from you. It definitely sounds like a great place to visit. I’m curious to see the landscape!

  3. April 18, 2023

    Southeast Asia is not too high on my travel bucket list, mainly for climatic reasons. I can’t handle heat and humidity. So it’s great to hear that Baguio City is situated at a higher altitude.

  4. April 18, 2023

    Sounds like a wonderful city, strawberries are my favorite!

  5. Kirsten
    April 24, 2023

    Great post! Thanks for sharing!

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